Beside the plastic one by one, in order of country, are the
cups. There have been more cups ruined
emptying the dishwasher. Right now, the quantity of cups keeps increasing,
squashed in at the back of the cupboard. They’re like friends visiting one
another. The Guernica cup, a Picasso masterpiece from Madrid abuts the English
Wren from Shrewsbury. Black as a pint of
Guinness, an Irish mug embellished with a Dublin shamrock, sits beside a
Japanese Noritake. These cups dressed in bright colours have travelled extensively.
It’s privileged porcelain!
There are two cups that
are almost identical, one in green stripes, the other purple. The green states,
The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler;
and scripted on the purple boasts, A Room
of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf. A ‘his & hers’ literature collection.