Thursday, 30 June 2016
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» Voting for all issues the Greens stand for!
Voting for all issues the Greens stand for!
I'm new to voting for the Greens in this Federal Election (2nd July, 2016). I was once a Labor supporter, but since they have changed their policy on Asylum Seekers I decided to stop my support for them. I am against domestic violence, animal cruelty, against cruelty of any kind and to my mind Australia's handling of desperate refugees on Manus Island and in turning back the boats is appallingly inhumane. (Where are they? it's all hush, hush. Where are they living, under the sea? Are they floating on some nether world for the rest of their lives? Have they reached the Kingdom's doors? The government's policy of "safe borders" is a policy of xenophobic hate. Australia is a large continent and could support more immigration, and it should lend a hand to those escaping oppression, rape, murder, war crimes, pillage, loss of home and country, indeed loss of value and worth. There are old sayings my grandmother taught me and I apply it here, as if I was in the same position as them. She said, Helen, 'Always remember to treat your fellow human beings as you would like to be treated' and added concerning those less fortunate than me, 'There but for the grace of God, go I.'
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